
Descargar vodacom e-school para pc

Vodacom e-school is hosted on the Vodacom website and gives learners in grades 10, 11 and matric access to material in maths, maths literacy, science, english, life sciences and accounting from a Vodacom launches e-school portal aimed at giving learners access to curriculum content By Staff Reporter Read next WorldRemit raises $100-million in funding to drive its global growth They need companies such as Vodacom to guide them on this journey and to act as a supplier of whatever they need, as a service. show more In this publication, we provide an overview of where we are as a business and the services that we’re able to provide. You have requested an OTP too many times. Please validate the captcha below to request another one. Since starting the Mobile Education Programme Vodacom has also equipped 1,615 schools with basic equipment such as laptop, whiteboard, data projector, as well as a Sim card so they can make use of the free content on e-School. 894 of these schools were equipped via the Vodacom Foundation, and the remainder were equipped as per Vodacom’s ICASA agreement, and as part of the Vodacom Millionaire The Vodacom Mobile Education Programme is a public private partnership with the national Department of Basic Education and a host of private partners including Microsoft, Mindset Learn, Cisco and the educational publishers. Vodacom Email Loading .

Welcome to the Community! We can't wait for you to get involved! If you're a Vodacom subscriber all you have to do is sign up and log on. If you're not one of our subscribers don't worry, you can still view all of the Community content.

Vodacom now!Trending Tech: Alcatel OneTouch 2004C. We test out the Alcatel One Touch 2004C. This basic feature phone is designed with senior citizens in mind. Check out all the latest phones and devices at Vodacom Online: Please note standard data charges apply when viewing this media * 01/02/2016 VODACOM recently introduced its education portal, Vodacom e-school, at Bokamoso High School in Seshego. Grow your child with Vodacom e-school. Vodacom is running a competition and the winning school will get R10 000, their essay will be published in Lowvelder and all the schools are part of Partners for Possibility initiative in the Lowveld. October 23, 2019. My Vodacom App. The My Vodacom App is your connection to staying in control of your data, voice minutes and SMS usage 24/7. It has been designed to help you navigate to important information in a simple, quick & easy manner making your experience more enjoyable.

Vodacom Email Loading .

18/02/2015 16/05/2017 Vodacom launches e-school portal aimed at giving learners access to curriculum content By Staff Reporter Read next WorldRemit raises $100-million in funding to drive its global growth Improve your child’s education with Vodacom e-school. Vodacom is running a competition and the winning school will get R10 000, their essay will be published in Lowvelder and all the schools are part of Partners for Possibility initiative in the Lowveld. August 30, 2019. They need companies such as Vodacom to guide them on this journey and to act as a supplier of whatever they need, as a service. show more In this publication, we provide an overview of where we are as a business and the services that we’re able to provide. You have requested an OTP too many times. Please validate the captcha below to request another one. The Vodacom Mobile Education Programme is a public private partnership with the national Department of Basic Education and a host of private partners including Microsoft, Mindset Learn, Cisco and the educational publishers.

My Vodacom is a customer service portal where you can buy airtime, check your account balance, get itemised billing, check your next upgrade date, find your PIN or PUK number. My Vodacom is available on PC, Mobile and as an app for your phone. Avoid overspending or going over your monthly budget by using My Vodacom.

My Vodacom App. The My Vodacom App is your connection to staying in control of your data, voice minutes and SMS usage 24/7. It has been designed to help you navigate to important information in a simple, quick & easy manner making your experience more enjoyable. Vodacom Business and Microsoft partner to deliver a Digital Education Platform to usher connected digital education to SA's learners. 23 June 2020. Allocation of forfeitable shares. 22 June 2020. No change statement and notice of annual general meeting . 12 June 2020. All News Vodacom e-school is hosted on the Vodacom website and gives learners in grades 10, 11 and matric access to material in maths, maths literacy, science, english, life sciences and accounting from a Vodacom Search Searching 18/02/2015 16/05/2017

Vodacom e-school © 2020 – All rights reserved Free Download My Vodacom App for PC with this tutorial at BrowserCam. Find out how to download and also Install My Vodacom App on PC (Windows) which is built by Vodacom (Pty) Ltd.. having amazing features. We should check out the criteria for you to download My Vodacom App PC on MAC or windows laptop with not much fuss. To support the Second Chance Matric learners with their exam preparations the Digital Classroom offers #SCMPtips using the lessons, videos and assessments on Vodacom E-School. The highlighted topics are selected based on study of previous exams from 2015. 2016 and 2017. 12/06/2016

This is an online course with daily lessons for the various Mathematics contenta areas for grade 4 - 12. The course is available in both English and Afrikaans. With each lesson there is a video recording with a teacher explaining the lesson. This is followed by homework, then a video recording where the homework is explained. To use the resource the individual have to go online to register

This is an online course with daily lessons for the various Mathematics contenta areas for grade 4 - 12. The course is available in both English and Afrikaans. With each lesson there is a video recording with a teacher explaining the lesson. This is followed by homework, then a video recording where the homework is explained. To use the resource the individual have to go online to register Welcome to the Community! We can't wait for you to get involved! If you're a Vodacom subscriber all you have to do is sign up and log on. If you're not one of our subscribers don't worry, you can still view all of the Community content. 13/11/2018 Vodacom Now! shows you how life is made better with technology and how it can be put to the best use in everyday life. For COVID-19 updates, visit the official …